How Much Does it Cost to Install a Pool-Spa-Combo

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Texas area. If you’ve lived here long, it won’t take too much imagination. We do hot, summer days like it’s an Olympic sport. Besides finding a seat right on top of your air conditioning vent, there is no better place to be than in your swimming pool while you’re surviving the Texas summer.

Imagine it’s a hot, summer day in the Dallas, Texas area. If you’ve lived here long, it won’t take too much imagination. We do hot, summer days like it’s an Olympic sport. Besides finding a seat right on top of your air conditioning vent, there is no better place to be than in your swimming pool while you’re surviving the Texas summer.

Now, imagine it’s a cold winter evening in the Dallas, Texas area. Maybe this is a little harder to picture! Winter is subjective when speaking about Dallas, but you can bet there are a few evenings with a chill in the air that sends a shiver up your spine. When you start to feel a bit on the cooler side of comfortable, a bubbling hot spa is the best friend you never knew you needed. Perhaps that’s why a pool-spa-combo is an ideal choice for our area. If you’ve been considering this option for your new custom-built pool, but curious about the price tag for such a build, we will help break down some price points.

The Cost of a Pool Install

At Pool Stop, we build in-ground custom-built pools. There are an infinite number of variations in the amenities you can include in your pool project, which will affect the price. The national average for a pool install is $88,421, while the average cost of an inground pool build in Texas is in the $50,000-$70,000 range, though you can certainly go higher or lower based on amenities. God bless, Texas takes on a whole new meaning now! With our lower installation costs, our longer swim season, and our need for a cool respite from the hot summers, a pool is a must-have in our region.

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Adding a Spa to Your Pool Install

Now that you have a ballpark figure on the actual pool install, let’s look at what adding a built-in or attached spa to your pool will add to your bill. A spa addition will run on average, about $10,000-$13,000. Depending on the size of the spa and customization features, the high-end price tag on these beauties can be around $15,000. These figures represent the costs to add a spa to a new swimming pool install.

However, if you currently own a pool and have long been wishing you would have added that attached spa, the cost of remodeling for a spa after the initial build can run quite a bit higher. A spa addition remodel can run between $25,000-$50,000. Again, this number is dependent on multiple factors like size and whether the equipment is near the proposed spa site, if there is a heater already in place, etc. Spillover spas, water features, decorative tile, LED lights- all of these options will affect the final price tag.

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Install a Pool-Spa-Combo with Pool Stop

As you can see, some variables can greatly affect the cost of any home improvement project, and specifically, the “big ones” like a swimming pool install. At Pool Stop, we build custom pools to fit our clients’ lifestyles, space availability, and budget needs. Regardless of where you fall on the financial spectrum, there are financing options available. Call us for a consultation to discuss options! One of our pool designers can help design a pool for your budget and families’ needs. 2021 could be the year you finally start building that pool-spa-combo you’ve dreamed of for years!

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