The Give Back Plan - How we support your cause

Post Summary:

Our “Give Back” program is simply that — Giving Back, Period. We participate in your cause by evaluating a “giving percentage” based on what you, or your organization has spent here at Pool Stop over the last year.

Our Community Give Back Plan

Are you a PTA parent or Scout Leader? Are you raising funds for a local charity? Well, “Pool Stop” may be able to help you in meeting your goals. As a locally owned small business and trusted member of the Rockwall community, we receive donation and sponsorship requests nearly every day. Possibly because we are locally owned, making us more approachable compared to large “big box” stores. Maybe you enjoyed chatting with us at the last Rockwall Rib Rub & Run. Whatever the case, we get a lot of requests, but humbly regret being unable to help everyone.

In an effort to harness the best of our community while keeping up with our own expenses, we have decided to implement our “Give Back” program, simply giving back to our wonderful community while building relationships inside of it.

“The Pool Stop’s Give Back Plan” aims at building strong long-term relationships within our community. All of us enjoy the distinct benefits of spending a buck or two with locally owned businesses. We recognize their support for community tax base, as well as providing quality local jobs and a better interactive experience with the products and services they offer. Our community allows us to connect directly with local business owners, a value higher than a products price.

Unfortunately, there are a lot of dollars being spent out-of-community, online, or at corporate chains. This could put “honest wages for an honest days work” at risk, as well as losing monetary support from corporate profits.

Imagine supporting our local small businesses, which will also contribute to the community they are proud to be a part of. Wouldn’t you agree this is simply a winning combination? Our community’s rich foundation is generational, and we believe the best way to build a genuine community is LOCALLY.

Where does giving begin?

It begins with you bringing your cause or support request to Pool Stop and The Pool Stop’s Give Back Plan. Perhaps you need pool products donated for a Habitat for Humanity silent auction, help purchasing uniforms for your child’s soccer team, or even a few hours of our donated services to tune up the local senior center pool. There is a wealth of unique causes, and we recognize that each giving opportunity has tailored needs.

We want to hear about your cause, get involved and determine what our “Give Back” will be. Begin by filling out our short “Community Involvement Form,” allowing us to schedule a bit of face-to-face time to hear more about your wonderful cause.

How does it work?

Our “Give Back” program is simply that — Giving Back, Period.
We participate in your cause by evaluating a “giving percentage” based on what you, or your organization has spent here at Pool Stop over the last year.

Customers who support our local business can simply tap into a percentage of the total amount they have spent on Pool Stop in-store purchases of pool supplies, chemicals, equipment, etc. over the last 12 months, putting that value towards a worthy Cause of your, or your company’s choice.

Buying local is the backbone to any community, and now you can pay it forward to a cause you are passionate about. Click here to begin.

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