Most Important Area of Pool Care Maintenance

School Summary:

One of the most important aspects of pool maintenance is ensuring proper water chemistry. All across the board, professionals agree that maintaining

One of the most important aspects of pool maintenance is ensuring proper water chemistry. All across the board, professionals agree that maintaining the right balance of chemicals and levels in your pool water is essential to keeping things safe, enjoyable, and clean. Below are some key elements of water chemistry maintenance that every pool owner should know.

Keep Your Swimming Pool’s pH Levels Balanced:

pH measures the level of acidity or alkalinity of the water. A balanced pH level ranges between 7.2 and 7.6. If pH levels are too high, meaning the water is becoming alkaline, then the effects of other chemicals like chlorine are lessened, increasing the risk of pathogens in the water. This can lead to cloudy water and corrosion of equipment. Conversely, if pH levels are too low, it does the same damage of deteriorating the quality of your pool. pH levels should be checked as often as 2-3 times per week.

Maintain Proper Pool Chlorine Levels:

Chlorine is used for disinfecting pool water and preventing the growth of algae and harmful bacteria. Appropriate chlorine levels range between 1 and 4 parts per million (ppm). Insufficient chlorine can lead to poor sanitation and excessive chlorine can lead to strong chlorine odors and skin irritation. Like pH levels, chlorine levels should be checked as often as 2-3 times per week.

The Ideal Total Alkalinity For Your Pool:

Alkalinity refers to pool water’s ability to resist changes in pH, it helps with the stability of those levels. The ideal range for total alkalinity ranges between 80 to 150 parts per million (ppm). Alkaline acts as a buffer for pH levels therefore if levels are low, fluctuations in pH levels occur that can lead to pool damage. If levels are high, cloudy waters start to form. Alkalinity should be checked once per week to ensure water stability.

Manage Calcium Hardness in Your Pool:

Calcium hardness refers to the level of dissolved calcium in pool water. A range between 200 and 400 parts per million (ppm), helps prevent issues of corrosion and cloudy water. Low levels of calcium hardness tend to dissolve surfaces that contain calcium such as grout and decking. High levels of calcium hardness tend to make surfaces rough and clog filters. To avoid this, calcium hardness should be tested at least once a month.

person testing pool water close up

Overall, understanding proper water chemistry and considering all of these key elements ensures safe and enjoyable swimming environments. Seeking professional advice, staying proactive, and adjusting will contribute to enjoying a sparkling and healthy pool throughout the seasons. At our Pool Supply Store, located in Rockwall, TX, we do in-store free water testing. Let us help you get started in properly maintaining your pool.

Free Water Testing at Pool Stop's store in Rockwall, TX

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