Giving Your Pool a Proper Winter Check Up

School Summary:

There will be falling leaves, bad weather, and even the possibility of a little snow this winter. Here are some things you need to remember in giving your pool a proper winter check-up.

Spring will return before you know it, and your pool will return to the hot commodity it was during warmer weather. No one wants to worry about a green, slimy, malfunctioning pool when the sun is ready to welcome us back to our lounge chairs. As the coldest winter months approach, your pool will need specific TLC. Here in the Dallas area, we don’t officially close our pools. However, there are still steps that need to be taken in order to ensure your pool is efficiently cared for during the cooler weather, and subsequently ready for bathers come Spring. There will be falling leaves, bad weather, and even the possibility of a little snow this winter. Here are some things you need to remember in giving your pool a proper winter check-up.

The Debris Must Go

Pools are magnets for debris, and fall and winter certainly elevate the amount. If a bad storm hits, you may find your pool full of leaves and dirt. It is important to skim the pool to get rid of the floating and settled debris. The small stuff will get evicted by the automatic cleaner, so focus on getting the majority of the noticeable debris out of the water. Along with skimming, take some time to clean out your skimmer basket and pump strainer. This equipment can get easily clogged with the amount of debris a winter storm carries.

The Water Level Must Stay Steady

During the winter months, periodically check on the water level of your swimming pool. Winter wind can evaporate pool water more than you expect. The water level should always remain fairly steady- about halfway up your skimmer opening. Storms often dump a substantial amount of water in pools. Remove however much water is necessary with a sump pump to return your water level to normal. If you find that your pool is losing water at an unusual rate, it’s important to check for leaks. You can always call us at Pool Stop, and our technicians will be able to identify any problem areas you may be facing.

The Chemistry Must Be Balanced

After a good skimming and vacuuming, your pool may look sparkling clean. Don’t let the water’s appearance diminish the importance of well-balanced chemistry. Microscopic contaminants can lead to some big algae growth by spring if your pool goes untreated during winter. It’s easy to forget to treat the water when your pool isn’t seeing a lot of play time. But just like most things in life, it’s vital to stay on top of this before there’s a problem, rather than spending your time treating (and paying for) the problem. Pool Stop is the largest pool supply store in Rockwall, and we are open 7 days a week. Not only do we carry a large selection of pool chemicals and supplies, we also deliver! We can’t wait to help you keep your swimming pool’s water balanced this winter.

The Equipment Must Be Checked

When the temperature dips to below freezing at night, or after the elusive wintry mix, your equipment needs a quick check. Take a look at the pump, heater, and filter, testing their functions for optimal performance. If you notice something seems off, it’s important to act quickly, as to not prolong the inevitable worsening situation. Small leaks can create big problems quickly. Double-check your filter pressure and clean it if needed. Our trained technicians service the cities of Rockwall, Heath, Royse City, Greenville, Garland, and surrounding areas, and are ready to service any equipment issues you notice.

Pool Stop Hears Your Call!

Sure, maintaining a pool that you’re not currently using very often could be a pain. That’s why at Pool Stop we offer weekly pool maintenance. Never let the headache of upkeep become the excuse for neglecting your beautiful pool. Do we even need to mention how great of a Christmas present a weekly pool service would be?! We stand behind our work and guarantee that your pool will be swim-ready no matter when you jump back in. Giving your pool a proper winter check-up can be as easy as making a phone call to schedule the service!

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